When you're really looking to vamp up the fun for your outdoor living areas, adding a bar set is key. With a plethora of bar stool options, you can incorporate easy seating arrangements for your guests during gatherings and parties!
Build your outdoor kitchen one step at a time with the NEW Big Green Egg Modular Nest System! Build an outdoor workspace which can be tailored for size and style.
Because Rome wasn’t built in a day either, you should take the time to customize your outdoor kitchen 100% as well. Do you have a Big Green Egg Large or XLarge with a MiniMax alongside it? Begin with the framework and slowly expand it with Expansion Frames, Nest Inserts, and other Add-ons. Hey babe, let’s make it bigger!
The new Modular EGG Workspace is a kind of Lego for adults. It is designed in such a way that all the components can be combined and you can continue to expand. If you want a large work surface, this modular system is just as versatile as the EGG itself. The configuration or style of your outdoor working area can also be adapted to meet your taste and requirements.